Understanding Climate Change: Bite 1.1 - Introduction.

In this series of Bites, I will attempt to provide some basic knowledge about Climate Change, that anybody can understand. There will also be links provided so that you can dig much deeper into the science and evidence that supports the statements made.

The reason why I'm doing this - to build a level of understanding amongst our community of:

  • the SCIENCE (physics) that controls our (changing) climate

  • that it's REAL...

  • it's US...at least mostly

  • it's SERIOUS... the effects are already being seen and will get worse

  • there's HOPE... because it is caused by us, we can mitigate it and ultimately reverse the cause and effects. And in the meantime we need to adapt to those effects already locked in, to become more resilient.

With this knowledge and understanding I hope that our community will become more confident in talking about Climate Change. And then taking personal actions to make the transition to a more sustainable future: at home, at work and by holding our elected officials accountable for action at the community, state and country level.

If any member would like to add and embellish these series of posts, then please add comments. All I ask is we keep it simple, verifiable and easily understandable.


Understanding Climate Change: Bite 1.2 – The Basic Science.