Understanding Climate Change: Bite 1.6.1 – There’s hope.
Tony Mitchell Tony Mitchell

Understanding Climate Change: Bite 1.6.1 – There’s hope.

More than 99% of Climate Scientists are agreement that Climate Change is a serious threat to the world we live in, and many people are waking up to this reality. Fortunately, the cost of renewable sources of energy are now becoming the lowest cost options.

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Understanding Climate Change: Bite 6.2 – There’s hope.
Tony Mitchell Tony Mitchell

Understanding Climate Change: Bite 6.2 – There’s hope.

Bites 6.1 explained that many of the technologies we need to decarbonize our energy supply are known and commercially viable. But there are several sectors that require further development before we can fully decarbonize and also start to reduce atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHGs) to a level that can return us to a stable equilibrium akin to pre-industrial times.

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