This website contains sound-bites of information with key images that ‘speaks’ to the topic. They also contain links for those wanting more detail, that will also serve as content verification. They should be no more than a 2 minute read (300 words).

The “quick bites” link gives short sound-bites of interesting facts, again back-up by images and links.


Focus: The scope of these Climate Bites will be exclusively about Climate Change related issues and opportunities

Integrity: Our posts are based on our research to provide factual and useful information to the best of our ability. They include links that verify the contents. We recognize that climate change knowledge and solutions that mitigate the risks are progressing all the time, hence are open to new information that may require the updating of posts.

Optimism: These posts will be factual and realistic, and whilst they may identify risks, they will also offer mitigation and adaption opportunities.

Relationships: We take the most generous approach to other people as possible — appreciation, gratitude, and respect. We aim to share our content will all other interested groups and people within our community.

Personal Power: Members of this Group use action in our personal lives and voices to set example and give support for broader climate action in our neighborhoods, our state and our country. We are engaged citizens in our democracy.

Being Nonpartisan: Climate Change is an Atmospheric Science phenomena, that affects all people and life on earth. Its causes and effects need solutions and action at all levels, from all corners of human activities and all sides of the political spectrum.

Diversity: We engage with people to help empower them to take personal and collective action regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, religion, ability, socio-economic factors or political affiliation.

Decency and Respect: We will always honor a code of Decency and Respect in our postings.
