Climate Bite: Transforming our homes and businesses for a sustainable future

Are you interested in taking a personal climate action? There is a Northern Colorado program called Efficiency Works that helps residential and businesses reduce their water and energy needs and access rebates in doing so.

From their website:

About Efficiency Works

Efficiency Works unites the energy and water efficiency offerings of the northern Colorado utilities of Estes Park Power and Communications, Fort Collins Utilities, Longmont Power & Communications, Loveland Water and Power and Platte RiverPower Authority.

The most sustainable way to use energy is to use as little as necessary to meet your needs. Efficiency Works offers home and business energy advising to help you save energy, water and money.

The process normally starts with organizing an energy assessment of your home or business at a heavily subsidized cost of $60 ($600 value). An energy expert assesses what improvements could be made in order of priority (biggest savings at lowest cost). Thereafter, should you choose to go ahead with any of the recommendations, you are helped to select a service provider and access the rebates.

For more information go to:

To immediately start the application process for an energy assessment or seek advice: